Useful Contacts

Where to find help during the COVID-19 pandemic

Latest government advice

Latchford Baptist Church Facebook Page

NWBA website

Leave no one out – Latchford Area

• Warrington Borough Council safe and well:

01925 442441 and 01925 442443

• Warrington Borough Council – all other enquiries:

01925 443322

• Childline: 0800 1111

• Citizens Advice: 0300 3309 091

• North West Boroughs, mental health crisis support:

01925 275 309

• Refuge Domestic Abuse helpline: 0808 2000 247

• Samaritans: 0330 094 5717

• Safeguarding (Warrington Borough Council):

01925 443322 or 01925 444400 out of hours

• Universal Credit advice line: 0800 1448 4444